Product development
The physical product that is required for this kind of system to solve the concentration problem, must have some requirements set down (according to the conducted study).
The product must be able to adjust the user's physical environment: sounds, lights, air humidity and purity and scent.
Since the system will be operating within the human wellbeing, it must be customizable as per the user’s desire - and modularity offers a good opportunity for that.
The physical product is going to operate with a couple of spare parts and, therefore, it is important to design a comfortable way to replace them.
Implementing various sensors to track the lifecycle of different components is important to make the whole system more comfortable to operate.
At first, a general metaphor of “creating a bubble” was planned to be maintained. Therefore, the initial idea for the appearance was the sphere, ideal or elliptoid - all components would add up to a complete sphere.
However, a couple of engineering troubles were spotted as a result of the spherical design. It has been later reconsidered to go for a tower design that would allow the flawless operation of each component, implementing a few rounding tweaks for the bubble resemblance.
Concept development
A big part of concept development was to make sure that the components were compatible with each other. Some various redesigns and reconsiderations allowed to achieve the final concept of the bubbl tower.
The biggest challenge lies in the modularity of the product: multiple products must have been designed to work in assembly, as well as to work separately if they are disconnected to offer more customizability.
Detalization of the device required further component development to understand how the final version of the component would look and to make sure that they are able to work as one system.
Additionally, raw materials costs and electronics components were considered to estimate the production cost of the device further.